The AI Tsunami: Is Your API Security Ready for the Perfect Storm?


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The rise of AI is not all hype and frenzy. There are real implications—for productivity and competitiveness, and for governance and compliance. Every organization will have to evaluate how AI apps impact their business.

We’ve already reached an untenable state of risk and complexity with the rapid evolution of apps into API-based systems. Adding AI into the mix is like pouring gasoline on an already burning ball of fire. Multi-model and multimodal LLMs along with expanding AI ecosystems drive multicloud architectures—and they’re all connected by APIs.

It is imperative that architects and security teams unpack the massive risk surface for AI apps— and see why AI must be embraced by defenders to tango with adversarial AI that has democratized and supersized attacker arsenals.

In this webinar, we’ll cover:

Explore the fundamentals of AI such as Large Language Models, training, and inference.

Show the importance of secure multicloud networking and API security for delivering, protecting, and optimizing AI-enhanced digital experiences.

Highlight how F5 API security solutions are AI-ready and can help you safely unleash innovation.



Byron McNaught
Principal Technical Marketing Manager


Valentin Tobi
Strategic Architect


Aubrey King
Community Evangelist